Concrete hull
Our concrete hull HUBB® is produced in UK by Dirkmarine
“HUBB®” - HoUse Boat Bottom
The most important facts about our concrete hull:
15 year of faultless trackrecord
- 100 years design life
- Maintenance Free
- Large weight - calm behavior
- Superior Strength - reinforced steel
- No surface treatment
- No anodes
- No surface paints
- Can be dyed in various colors
- Fast and low cost fabrication
- Customized main dimensions
- No regular docking
- Rigid base for superstructure
- Can sustain falling dry at low tide
- Verified according to the rules of Det Norske Veritas
- Approved by the Danish Maritime Authorities
- Dirkmarine Registered Trademark
We have throughout the past 15 years been producing a very high quality of over engineered concrete hulls. We produce all our concrete hulls ourselves. We follow and check ever step very thoroughly and have trough out the 15 years had a faultless record. Since we come from areas in the world, where the seawater is cold, we have made sure our concrete hulls can be in very cold and icy waters.
We have a ongoing production in the UK, but also produce onsite if there is a possibility to do that. By doing this we do not have to tow the completed floating house to its mooring.
We custom build all our concrete hulls because every building needs a specific amount of concrete to give it the right stability and water depth. Some of our concrete hulls have been very big, i.e. for a floating stage we made, and for a floating very tall showroom - we made for a real estate developer.
Here are a few pictures of our concrete hull:
The steel hull by Dirkmarine
We produce all steel hulls custom designed